Care Instructions
We all love shinny things and the vegan Vinyl / PVC which is my signature material looks absolutely stunning when shinny. To keep our sculpture vinyl pieces looking stunning and to store after wear please use one of the recommended products. We ship a 30ml bottle of our own polish along with every order where possible. Sadly not all countries allow liquid to be shipped so we are not always able to do this. You can however directly purchase from various outlets worldwide. As all of the products recommended are a form of polish the same cleaning technique applies. Please use before and after wear. If kept clean our pieces can look perfect a very long time in line with our sustainability desire to create fashion that lasts, that you can share with friends. These polish products are designed to clean and revive the pieces and make them shine to perfection. For storing we recommend the pieces are stored ether flat or on a large hanger. Please note some of the colours particularly the clear and light colour vinyls absorbs colours from other garments close to them under humid situations. If you are familiar with any latex or rubber products this is the same. To avoid this we recommend storing away from dark colour garments that may transfer pigment. You can use a pillow case around the pieces. When worn in hot environments and styled with garments that may give off pigment, normally dark colours this can also occur as the the vinyl absorbs colour. It is sometimes possible to remove the marks with plain acetone if the transfer has not fully absorbed. We recommend you clean and allow the pieces to dry immediately after use and before they are put away.
If using a spray polish please spray a little directly onto the vinyl garment. With the microfibre cloth provided use one corner to rub and with the other corner wipe down the liquid polishing the garment. This will clean and polish your chosen piece and revive the stunning shine. If using the non spray please use a few drops onto the microfibre cloth then rub the vinyl. Again with the opposite side of the cloth wipe down. Please note all fabric garments we sell are from different luxury materials, as such please consult your nearest specialist dry cleaning service for advice or email us directly.
When possible your order will include a 30ml bottle of our own silicone oil spray shine. Due to shipping restrictions with each country has different rules it is not always possible to do this so the bellow products are what we recommend.
We recommend the following
Megular's Mirror Bright Vinyl & Rubber Treatment ( Cleans and shines scented)
Perv-O Shine (Cleans and shines great all round product)
Lynx Latex & Rubber Shine (Cleans and Shines)
Please note here are a some links for Vinyl PVC polish online retailers most of whom ship all over there world.
Recommended product: Black Beauty Latex Polish, Purse Shine.
The aim is to have my designs last for you in their beautiful original state. Please do not store in a plastic bag as that can imprint onto the vinyl / PVC. Also as above please do not store next to or pack with vivid colour or dark garment where there is moisture. The moisture can imprint the colour of the fabric onto the vinyl. It is especially important to avoid black garments as all black cloths release colour particularly under humid conditions. When packing in luggage my advice is that you pack our pieces wrapped in a white T shirt or similar colour garment. If warping happens from being in a suitcase or extreme temperature, please allow the pieces to lay flat or hang on a hanger at room temperature for them to recover their original shape... For large sculpture pieces, they can easily recover their shape if dressed onto a mannequin. For headpieces I recommend a head stand... This also allows you to enjoy the sculptural design of the pieces within your living environment. :)
Straps Collection Care
For our straps collection the easiest way to clean is first - Wipe down the webbing with a damp cloth to remove dirt. For tougher stains, use a mild soap solution then use clean water after on effected area. Towel dry the piece and allow to fully dry before putting away. Do avoid direct sunlight when drying. When putting away please store away from direct sunlight and do not place heavy its over the designs incase kinks occure. Please note the Straps material is very durable, the studding and hardware you need to avoid getting these wet as it can deteriorate. Dry these sections quickly with a dry cloth and hairdryer on mild heat from at least 15 cm away from item as the hardware can heat up to the touch.